We are 100% Committed to ending NTDs
We are Uniting to Combat Neglected Tropical Diseases, a global movement mobilising financial and political commitments to end neglected tropical diseases (NTDs)
Together, we call on our governments, parliamentarians, mayors and local governmental leaders, as well as continental and regional bodies, pharmaceutical companies, donors, multilateral organisations, academic and research institutions, non-governmental organisations and young leaders around the world, to show they are 100% Committed to ending NTDs by signing the Kigali Declaration on NTDs and pledging commitments.

Neglected Tropical Diseases
Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) affect over 1.7 billion people, often those living in extreme poverty. Their effect on people, communities and countries is devastating: NTDs disable, disfigure and can kill. They keep children out of school, adults out of work and can trap communities in endless cycles of poverty. It is an injustice that over a billion people continue to be affected by diseases we know how to treat and prevent. Ending NTDs is possible within our lifetime – now is the moment for leaders to make commitments through signing the Kigali Declaration on NTDs.
Kigali Declaration
The Kigali Declaration on NTDs – a new high level political declaration that will launch in 2022 – will build on the London Declaration on NTDs by putting country ownership of NTD programmes, integration and cross-sectoral collaboration front and centre to ensure that these programmes are sustainable in the long term. The Kigali Declaration provides the opportunity to mobilise the political will, community commitment, resources and action needed to end unnecessary suffering from NTDs. By working together we can end NTDs and achieve the targets in the WHO 2030 NTD road map. Now is the moment for leaders to show they are 100% Committed to ending NTDs and make commitments. If you would like to make a commitment towards the Kigali Declaration please email commitments@